Texas History

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    1.    First Page:  Includes the topic of your research and your name. 
    2.    Typing:  Double-spaced.  Size 12 font.
    3.    Sources:  At least ten (10) useful sources.  Limit on-line sources to no more than (5) five – use your local library for the print sources.  An internet site is not a source.  Wikipedia may not be used as a source and avoid printed or online encyclopedias as well.  Aim for a balance of popular, literary and scholarly sources.  Sources relevant to the assignment should be cited according to MLA style format in a separate bibliography. 
    4.    Length:  5-10 page of text not including your bibliography.
    5.    Format:  The final draft of your research paper should follow the conventions of American  Edited English with particular attention to spelling, grammar and usage. You may use parenthetical citation format in the body of your narrative. Your bibliography should be in MLA format.

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