Texas BUS300 exam 1

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    Question 1

    1. An organization is ________.

    2 points

    Question 2

    1. Franchising is used widely by ________.

    2 points

    Question 3

    1. A fraternity is an example of an organization because it is comprised of people who ________.

    2 points

    Question 4

    1. Which is an important job responsibility for a middle manager?

    2 points

    Question 5

    1. What determines whether an organization has a strong culture or a weak culture?

    2 points

    Question 6

    1. The classical view of social responsibility is that a for-profit organization’s responsibility is ________.

    2 points

    Question 7

    1. The primary job of a manager is to ________.

    2 points

    Question 8

    1. Part of what defines an organization is its purpose.

    2 points

    Question 9

    1. In the socioeconomic view of organizational social responsibility, management’s responsibility includes protecting and improving society.

    2 points

    Question 10

    1. Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ________.

    2 points

    Question 11

    1. Joint ventures are a type of ________.

    2 points

    Question 12

    1. Which set of skills would you expect the President of the United States to be least in need of?

    2 points

    Question 13

    1. Which of the following most accurately reflects the difference between strong cultures and weak cultures?

    2 points

    Question 14

    1. A typical first-level manager spends more of his or her time leading than planning.

    2 points

    Question 15

    1. The culture of an organization is analogous to the ________ of an individual.

    2 points

    Question 16

    1. The classical view of organizational social responsibility is that management’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits.

    2 points

    Question 17

    1. A fully global organization might set up a ________ with a foreign company to create a new, independent company that produces a specific product.

    2 points

    Question 18

    1. Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization?

    2 points (Extra Credit)

    Question 19

    1. Why were the Baby Boomers so much more influential than other generations with respect to changing American tastes and culture?

    2 points

    Question 20

    1. The cases of Enron and Bernard Madoff go beyond a question of ethics because in both cases ________.

    2 points

    Question 21

    1. Henry Gantt developed graphical methods to help managers with ________ problems.

    2 points

    Question 22

    1. Rishi Raj, manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighs as he sips his coffee at 5 A.M. and reads his agenda for the day. Rishi’s first duty is to preside over a retirement party for a beloved employee and say a few words on her behalf. Next, he will give a tour to a news reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion. Rishi then has a meeting with the unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil’s recent performance drop (a task Rishi always hates). Finally, in the late afternoon, Rishi will be reviewing the recent equipment malfunction and deciding whether to deploy extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. What a day!

      What role will Rishi be performing when he gives the plant tour to the newspaper reporter?

      resource allocator

    2 points

    Question 23

    1. The German company Deutsche Telekom has instituted a quota for hiring women.

    2 points

    Question 24

    1. According to Henri Fayol, the principle of ________ gives managers the right to give orders.

    2 points

    Question 25

    1. Today’s younger workers tend to give family a higher priority than their jobs.

    2 points (Extra Credit)

    Question 26

    1. Good management strives for ________.

    2 points

    Question 27

    1. Which of the following phrases best characterizes the culture of an organization?

    2 points

    Question 28

    1. Which of the following is NOT a topic that is addressed by organizational behavior research?

    2 points

    Question 29

    1. Marta is a dean at Linden State University, a school with almost 20,000 students. In her daily activities, she has to deal with problems that involve students, faculty, curriculum, budgets, and a variety of other things. Marta sees an opportunity for her school in increasing the enrollment in individuals who were born in the 1980s and early 1990s. Which term describes these prospective students?

    2 points

    Question 30

    1. How are the “Post-Millennials” likely to be different from previous generations?

    2 points

    Question 31

    1. How do customers play a role in changing the job of the modern manager?

    2 points

    Question 32

    1. Job specialization continues to be a popular way to increase productivity today.

    2 points

    Question 33

    1. A global village can be best characterized as a business climate in which there are ________.

    2 points

    Question 34

    1. An organization can be considered “global” simply if it carries out trade with other countries.

    2 points

    Question 35

    1. According to Zappos’ management, this is the secret to Zappos’ success.

    2 points

    Question 36

    1. All managers devote at least some of their time to planning.

    2 points

    Question 37

    1. A Coca-Cola bottling plant in Bolivia is wholly owned by a local businessperson. What kind of venture is this plant likely to be?

    2 points

    Question 38

    1. In his study of differences in cultural environments, Geert Hofstede found that ________.

    2 points

    Question 39

    1. Effectiveness refers to the attainment of the organization’s goals.

    2 points

    Question 40

    1. The classical view of social responsibility holds that spending time, money, labor, or energy to improve society’s welfare would ________.

    2 points

    Question 41

    1. The Industrial Revolution is largely credited with ushering in the birth of ________.

    2 points

    Question 42

    1. Which of the following is likely to be the permanent result of the recent economic downturn in the United States?

    2 points

    Question 43

    1. Marta is worried that the facilities at Linden State are not as up-to-date as they could be with respect to wi-fi access and the availability of classes on-demand using podcasts, social networking, and other digital advances. Which generation is likely to notice this deficiency the most?

    2 points

    Question 44

    1. Status in France within a corporation is largely ________.

    2 points

    Question 45

    1. The Busy Day (Scenario)

      Rishi Raj, manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighs as he sips his coffee at 5 A.M. and reads his agenda for the day. Rishi’s first duty is to preside over a retirement party for a beloved employee and say a few words on her behalf. Next, he will give a tour to a news reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion. Rishi then has a meeting with the unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil’s recent performance drop (a task Rishi always hates). Finally, in the late afternoon, Rishi will be reviewing the recent equipment malfunction and deciding whether to deploy extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. What a day!

      When Rishi attends the retirement party, he will be operating in which of the management roles?


    2 points

    Question 46

    1. A candy manufacturer would increase both efficiency and effectiveness by making ________.

    2 points

    Question 47

    1. Which of the following would NOT be called an “American company”?

    2 points

    Question 48

    1. The Daily Recorder is considering charging online readers a flat fee for access to the news on their computers and electronic devices. Which stakeholder should the paper NOT worry about informing?

    2 points

    Question 49

    1. The external environment of an organization includes factors and forces that can affect how the organization operates.

    2 points

    Question 50

    1. Almost all managerial tasks involve ________.

    2 points

    Question 51

    1. Prior to the recession that began in 2008, many businesses became highly leveraged, which is another term for a company with a high debt-to-assets ratio.

    2 points

    Question 52

    How is a corporate ritual different from a corporate story or legend?


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