Terrorism Incident Management and Emergency Procedures: Women Adapting Male Behavior: Explain how the use, or combined use, of a corrosive vapor could mask the true nature of the chemicals used in an attack Custom Essay

    Choose two of the following questions, and respond in at least 75 words in length. All sources used, including the
    textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Any references or
    citations must be in APA style.
    BFS 4753, Terrorism Incident Management and Emergency Procedures 5

    1. Explain how the use, or combined use, of a corrosive vapor could mask the true nature of the chemicals used in
    an attack.
    2. Monitoring for a flammable atmosphere could be useful in many situations. Discuss three situations that this type
    of monitoring could be useful in.
    3. Detecting what chemicals are in the air is very important in the event of a terrorist or suspected terrorist attack; what factors can affect the test equipment and give a faulty response?
    4. In light of difficult economic times that began in 2008, justify the cost of buying, maintaining, and updating the
    necessary test equipment when many cities around the country are filing for bankruptcy, laying off emergency
    service workers, or not replacing those who resign or retire.

    Submit your answers in one document.

    Unit V Mini Research Paper

    In the Unit V Assignment, you were asked to select two essay questions out of a possible four to respond to. In this
    assignment, you will write a Mini Research Paper on the two questions that you did not answer in the Unit V Assignment.

    Using the textbook and CSU Online Library, write a 500-word mini research paper on both essay questions. You will take
    the topics of both questions and research each one separately, but you will compose your thesis statement and findings
    together in one composition. For example, you can research an aspect of assessment question #1 that you feel
    passionate about and find peer-reviewed articles that support your thesis statement. You would write about this topic
    using about 250 words, and then complete your 500 word research paper with your second topic from the assessment

    Use APA format, including a title and a reference page. Be sure to have a minimum of 500 words of double spaced full
    text, and ensure that the paper has appropriate APA citations. A minimum of two references are required.

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