    This paper will afford you the opportunity to research 3 agencies involved in Homeland Security. If you follow the required format and write a well-researched paper, you will learn a great deal about 3 agencies of your choice, and attain a good grade.
    General Instructions
    The completed research paper should be typed in MS Word only, 12 point font, double-spaced format, approximately 2000 – 3000 in length (not counting the bibliography page). Additionally, this paper will be at least 85% original thought (according to Turnitin evaluation). It is expected that you will devote a great deal of initiative toward producing a quality product worthy of the high academic standards established at Saint Leo University. This research paper will represent 25% of the final course grade. You may NOT use a paper you have previously submitted to Saint Leo or elsewhere, even if it is your own work. This is to be an original paper. Hang in there, you will really learn about three agencies if you research conscientiously! Citation Format
    You will utilize exclusively the APA style (and NO Wikipedia!). You can find many resources for APA, including our university’s Library. Go to www.saintleo.edu/Library, click on Research & Writing Help, then Citation Help and choose APA. There is also an APA Guide under Resources in the Course Menu.
    Grading Criteria
    First Draft:
    This assignment will be graded based on the expectation that you have completed at least 1500 words and your paper (at this point) must be at least 80% original thought.
    Revised (Final) Version:
    1. Compliance with required format—20 points
    2. Depth of research—30 points
    3. Writing style (clear; follows logical progression; includes headings and sub-headings for major/minor areas)—20 points
    4. Grammar (spelling, grammar, punctuation, all count. Proofread and proofread some more!) –30 points
    As discussed in the Syllabus, Saint Leo University uses Turnitin to assist with plagiarism
    detection. The Dropboxes in the course are directly linked to Turnitin, so when you submit your paper to the Dropbox, it is evaluated by Turnitin.
    Please note that your instructor is available to assist you at any time. All you have to do is ask! Topic
    “National Security” and “Homeland Defense” are topics that saturate the media, consume much of our intelligence and investigative resources, and concern all Americans. One of the keys to effective Homeland Defense is the integration of our law enforcement and intelligence assets at all levels: federal, state, and local.
    Your assignment is to comprehensively research three (3) agencies involved in Homeland Defense, and write your paper on these agencies, following the format described in Section 2 below. The agencies are to be:
    1 Federal (but NOT the FBI) 1 State 1 Local (as follows)
    A. Federal: Any law enforcement or intelligence or military agency (BUT NOT THE FBI) involved in Homeland Security.
    B. A State Law Enforcement Agency: State Police agency (e.g. New Jersey State Police, Florida Department of Law Enforcement), or National Guard
    C. Local: Municipal or County Police (Tampa P.D., Pasco County Sheriff, Seattle Police, etc.).
    Research Paper Structure
    Your paper is to be structured as follows for each of the 3 agencies (mandatory): 1. NAME of AGENCY (e.g. LAPD)
    a. Jurisdiction (What area does it police?)
    b. Size (How many members? Sworn and unsworn?)
    c. Missions (What does the agency say are its responsibilities?)
    2. ROLE IN HOMELAND DEFENSE (a review of the agency’s web site is a good place to start)
    a. What does the agency itself say about its own role in Homeland Defense?
    b. What do other sources say? (For example, news articles)
    3. SUMMARIZE AND DISCUSS at least 3 cases in which Homeland Defense issues have arisen in one or more of your selected agencies (obtain from news media research, agency web site, or direct contact with agency public affairs office.). Examples include:
    a. Arrests of terrorists
    b. Interdiction of terrorist plans
    c. Seizure of terrorist supplies or materials
    d. Successful cooperation with other U.S. or foreign agencies
    NOTE: You only need 3 stories from any combination of your agencies; not 3 stories for each. 4. CORE VALUES OF EACH AGENCY What are the CVs of each of your agencies? (Some agencies have Mission Statements instead.)
    a. List the Core Values. (or similar statement that the agency has chosen about itself)
    b. Discuss how the Core Values of each of the three agencies compare with the SLU Core Values.
    c. How do the Core Values affect the balancing of the agencies’ missions to safeguard our nation with America’s traditional and constitutional respect for individual liberties?
    Reminder: The Core Value discussion is not to be an after-thought at the end of the paper. I want to see thoughtful insight applied to the application of Core Values to your topic. 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY (follow correct APA citing procedures; library site will help you).
    Turnitin Our class is going to use Turnitin. It is a plagiarism identification service that will assist you. It will enhance your education and support your academic efforts here at Saint Leo University. The use of this service has become widespread on campuses around the country. It is not just an anti-plagiarism tool; it will prevent good- faith errors in attributing certain information to its proper source, a type of error that can turn a small problem into a larger one. Please remember that anything you take verbatim from another source (books; magazines; internet) MUST be attributed (footnotes, end notes, etc.) and, where appropriate, quoted. This includes material you are cutting and pasting from another site.
    Submit your DRAFT and REVISED FINAL papers directly to the Dropbox in the course. You should review the Turnitin analysis of your draft and make necessary changes. Papers will be graded in the order in which you submitted them. Papers will be checked for plagiarism before they are graded. Please take time to understand the analysis thoroughly. Thank you for your cooperation. This will really help you learn to write and correctly document a research paper. And, if you feel you already are an accomplished researcher and writer, it will enhance your ability to perform research. Some good research sites for help with researching and writing a paper are:
    www.refdesk.com: vast array of references, such as almanacs, newspapers, dictionaries and encyclopedias.
    www.ipl.org/div/aplus/stepfirst.htm: step-by-step approach to writing a term paper; some great tips here.
    Submitting Papers
    1. During Module 4, you will be required to submit your first draft to the First Draft Dropbox.
    2. During Module 6, you will submit your final revision to the Research Paper Dropbox.




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