Technology project–A formal letter

    Technology project–A formal letter
    Subject: Nursing

    A Technology Project
    Mr. Richbaum is philanthropist interested in improving the care for (insert your vulnerable population here–African Americans/Blacks). He is interested in funding technology which will improve the care for this population. Because of the knowledge you have gained about (insert your population here–African Americans/Blacks) you have been requested to submit a proposal for a current technology which will address a need of the identified vulnerable population-African Americans/Blacks and improve the quality of care provided. Mr. Richbaum is seeking suggestions from numerous sources. Your proposal will need to be engaging, logical and convincing. It is recommended you continue with the population you have written about in your previous papers, but the choice is yours.
    The format of your proposal is your choice. Some suggestions and guidelines for the proposal:
    A formal letter ? no more than two pages?this is my choice
    Power Point presentation ? no more than 10 slides
    Audio and/or video recording -no more than 5 minutes
    If you have another format you would like to submit just receive prior approval from your instructor.
    Grading Rubric
    Criteria Possible Points Earned Points
    Introduction – identifying selected population and describe why they are
    vulnerable and eligible for this technology funding
    – identify the need to be met by specific technology
    – identify how this will improve the quality of care
    – provide evidence 10
    Present available technology
    Discuss why and how this will meet the identified need
    Provide evidence 35
    Presentation should engage the reader, clearly and logically present information to convince Mr. Richbaum (your instructor) that your project should be funded. 35

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