Technology Foresight in Oil and Gas Industry – an overview perspective in the Energy field

    The dissertation has to include apart from the main study analysis , the following: 1. Introduction (Detailed description of the Dissertation topic). // 2. Methodology used.(questionnaires-as per sample to be modified accordingly – with Oil & Gas major sample size at least 30 per case. // 3. Summary of Results for the previous step – including a detailed analysis for the method of extraction of results. // 4. Energy demand perspective from Oil & Gas Majors point of view. Specific data reference for ex. WTI / LNG comparable and forecasted trends for 5 , 10 and in the long time horizon using existing time series of previous decades. // 5. How the growth of Natural Gas will help to develop technologies on board LNG carriers – autonomous shipping etc, shore side facilities , refineries . // 6. With the use of real economic and finance data state of how the emissions will meet the future goals and restrictions globally with a comparable benchmark year 2030 and 2050 in specific the Oil & Gas sector for vessels (Marpol Annex VI) and Shore Facilities – Terminals and the expected impact on the Environment by the usage of new applied technologies. // 7. Environmentally oriented focus on how the Global Shipping Industry & Shore Facilities affect by polluting the Air (emissions-noise-sea pollutant substances etc ) – state by using Cost-Benefit ratios as examples comparing Social versus Private Investors benefit –by the use of detailed graphs state the average Marginal Cost for the above case. // 8. How the maritime merchant transport , air freight and aviation affect the development of the Oil & Gas industry technologies and appliances comparing a global status quo of EU, USA , Asian & Middle East Countries and the methods for overcoming the physical and legal barriers and lock inns which arise. // 9. State the present status and future predictions of technologies in Shipping industry – softwares and materials in use and new foresights – state the difficulty of absorbing new technologies . // 10. State of how Energy Taxes and Subsidies may affect the development of Shipping Industry at large . // 11. ICT required expertise and future innovations. // 12. Detailed report of human recourses used for the questionnaire and the development of topics . (SHELL, BP any other Oil & Gas major in worldwide trading) 
    *Restrictions / Guidelines
    A. Do not use Copy-paste any material from any source.
    Every single thought & word must be first time written.
    Document will be inspected thoroughly for plagiarism
    and originality. Harvard style.
    B. Do not use wikipedia as source link always cite the 
    original source referred at the bottom of each lemma 
    and in the bibliography section.
    References must be from specific bibliography and links 
    with valid data and from important / influential people 
    C. Graphs, powerpoint pictures and wording must be
    D. Questionnaires to be edited / modified accordingly 
    for the proper extraction of outcomes. No logos to be 

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