Teaching English in Hong Kong Primary School (English Language Subject) “A reflective report”

    opic: Teaching English in Hong Kong Primary School (English Language Subject) “A reflective report”

    Paper details:
    download video here https://transfer.pcloud.com/download.html?
    video recording around 75 minutes, the writer must watch this English language teaching class before doing this essay!
    **This teaching video will be used two times, writer is very familiar with HONG KONG Primary School Education system.
    A reflective report on the trial teaching of the lessons designed in Task (a) during Block Practice with a focus on critical reflection on student learning in relation to the lesson implemented and teacher’s use of classroom language. Support of lesson recording is needed. (1,500 words)

    : this target primary Hong Kong Students are aged 10 years old with weak English knowledge background, the classroom’s facilities are not enough, such as No screen, No overhead projector, the classroom is very small, and the students are lack of learning motivation. Teacher is a local Hong Kong female teacher. All students are local Hong Kong children. This class size is 30 students. Primary 4.

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