Teaching and learning materials

    This Assessment is about creating teaching & learning materials about WEEBLY.COM (an online tool that lets create free website), so I WILL create presentation tutorial for this explaining HOW TO CREATE A SIMPLE WEBSITE IN WEEBLY.COM and ONLINE QUIZ to assess an understanding of the tutorial by intended audience at the end of my presentation, so they can complete it and get the results straightaway.

    So I WANT YOU TO WRITE A REPORT ON THEORETICAL DISCUSSION AND JUSTIFICATION for these teaching & learning materials, which are the presentation and online quiz. I will start to create these materials and will upload them to my account as soon as I finish, so to make sure that your theoretical discussion and justification are based on my presentation and online quiz. You have an idea of what my presentation and quiz are about, so you can start before I finish to create my learning materials and then when it will be available for you, you can compare it with your work, make some changes and finish it in time. I really need it to be about my presentation and quiz for creating website on WEEBLY.COM. Please mentionin this work what is my intended audience, you can write any audience that you want, but DISCUSS AND JUSTIFY it in your work!

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