Tea Party

    Tea Party

    Compose a 4- to 5-page research paper in which you argue for or against a topic from the bulleted list on pages 4-5. (If you would like to write about another topic, submit it for the instructor’s approval.) Support your argument, or point of view, with information from at least five research sources.
    Portfolio Project Organization
    Use this pattern of organization for the paper.
    • Page 1: Title Page
    • Pages 2- 4: Body – The body must include:
    1. An introduction that includes a thesis statement
    2. Background in which you discuss the history of the controversy or issue
    3. At least three points that support your thesis and which you back with information from research sources.
    4. A rebuttal section in which you acknowledge or refute arguments against your position
    5. A conclusion that summarizes the key points
    • Page 5: References page
    o The paper must include information from at least (5) credible sources. Use at least one source from the EBSCOHost databases in the Bryant & Stratton Virtual Library. (Writer: Once you let me know of the topic, I will provide you with access to the source that is required)

    Portfolio Project Formatting:
    • APA Format
    o 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font
    o One-inch margins
    o Double-spaced
    o Page numbers in the top right corner
    • APA Citations
    o In text citations and reference page
    ? Minimum of 5 sources
    ? At least 1 source must be scholarly.
    • Use the Virtual Library to locate scholarly resources.
    o Papers that are missing in-text citations or a references page may receive failing grades

    Note that the sources below are unacceptable.
    This is an incomplete list of unacceptable sources. In general, if you question whether a source is acceptable, ask your instructor. To avoid having any of your sources discounted, check them with your instructor.

    Overall, this assessment is designed to help you develop and sharpen your skills to retrieve and evaluate information from research sources. With feedback from your peers and the instructor, completing this assessment will also help you develop your writing skills. The ability to locate information and present it to others is a valuable skill that will serve you well as a member of the workforce. Cultivating these skills will also help you to succeed in future coursework.
    See the Portfolio Project Grading Rubricon page 6 for details on how your paper will be scored.

    The topics below are meant to generate ideas. Select a topic that you care enough about to invest the necessary time and energy for thought, research, and development of the ideas.
    • Should businesses be able to use Facebook and Twitter searches to determine whether a person is eligible for employment?
    • Is the “Tea Party” a true political party in the United States?
    • What is the impact of the Internet on American culture and lifestyles?
    • Should U.S. citizens be concerned about the deforestation of the Amazon rain forest?
    • Should law or custom regarding American funeral practices be revised?
    • Should laws regarding minimum wage (or the forty-hour work week) be revised?
    • Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?
    • Should talk radio commentators be allowed to say whatever they would like on the air? Should they be censored? If so, how?
    • Should the government provide child day care centers for working parents?
    • Should donors or their families be compensated for organ donations? How should people be selected to receive donor organs?
    • Should genetic engineering be controlled by law?
    • What impact on the family (or the workplace) have changes in gender roles had?
    • Have large salaries of professional athletes negatively impacted the athletes or the sports?
    • Are video games good for children?
    • Do certain children’s toys create social or emotional or other problems?
    • Should professional athletes be paid more than the President of the United States? Why?
    • Should imports of foreign cars or other foreign products be limited or restricted by law?
    • Should academic freedom for teachers and students be limited by law?
    • Does society have an obligation to protect privacy as a basic individual right?
    • Should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted?
    • To what extent do the private life and morality of a public figure affect his or her ability to serve the public interest?
    • What restrictions should be placed on polygraph testing (or drug testing) in the workplace?
    • What place should “creationism” have in the public education system?
    • Should military recruiters be allowed to recruit on college campuses?
    • Should controversial speakers (on whatever subject) be allowed on college campuses?
    • Should “victimless crimes” such as prostitution and other sexual activity between consenting adults be free from governmental interference?
    • What prevention techniques and/or penalties should be applied to child molestation and child abuse?
    • Should all Americans be required to speak and write English as their primary language?
    • Should euthanasia be allowed in the United States and be protected by law as a personal right?
    • What techniques should the public schools use to strengthen literacy at all grade levels?
    • Should children be required to attend school past the age of sixteen?
    • Was the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution meant to ensure the right for all citizens to bear arms, even against the government?
    • Should the U.S. space program be privatized and given to private companies to run?
    • Should the Internal Revenue Service be abolished and should there be a flat income tax for all income levels?
    • Should English be declared the official language of the United States?
    • To what extent should bilingual education be offered in public schools?
    • Should there be any regulation of the number of children that single people can have?
    • Should surrogate motherhood be either banned or regulated be law?
    • Should international adoption be allowed in the United States?
    • Should adoption records be open rather than sealed?
    • Should employers be required to provide health insurance to their employees?
    • Is universal health care in the U.S. a good idea?
    • Should unapproved drugs be made available as a last resort to patients with conditions for which conventional treatments are known to be ineffective?
    • Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults?



    Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Score

    25 points The paper makes a sound, accurate argument. It explains both sides of the issue. The paper may include more information about the writer’s own side of the argument. The points in the paper are supported with wisely chosen evidence.
    25-22 points The paper makes a relatively sound and accurate argument. The writer supports most key points with research sources, which are generally credible. The paper shows both sides of the issue.

    21-17 points The paper conveys the writer’s opinion but it uses too little, or no, credible evidence. The paper contains inaccuracies, elements of plagiarism.
    16-0 points

    In-text citations and references
    20 points The writer includes properly executed in-text citations that enable a reader to distinguish the writer’s opinion from the writer’s research. The references page contains a full citation for each research source that appears in the paper; the entries on the references page are properly executed and are free or nearly free of errors.

    20-17 points The writer cites most of the sources that appear in the paper. The in-text citations may contain errors. The paper contains a references page. The entries on that page may contain errors. The paper may contain full references that are not cited within the work, or sources cited in the work may not appear on the references page.

    16-14 points The paper contains no in-text citations or in-text citations that contain many errors. It is difficult to distinguish between the writer’s ideas and the information that the writer has taken from research sources. The references page is missing, incomplete or full of errors.
    13-0 points

    Quality of research
    20 points The writer leverages five or more sources to support his or her thesis. The sources are appropriate for the assignment. The writer’s use of the source information illustrates the writer understands how the research information contributes to his or her main points.
    20-17 points The paper includes information from three or four sources. Most or all are appropriate for the assignment. The writer’s use of the research information indicates some understanding of how it supports the paper’s main points.

    16-14 points The paper contains information from two or fewer sources. Or the sources are inappropriate for the assignment.
    13-0 points

    Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
    20 points The paper is free, or largely free or errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, incorrect verb form or sentence errors. It contains little or no improperly casual speech, including instances of “you” and “I.”

    20-17 points The paper contains a few errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, incorrect verb form or sentence errors. However, the writer’s general points are understandable. The paper may contain improperly casual speech, including instances of “you” and “I.”
    16-14 points The paper contains many serious errors that make the writer’s points difficult for a reader to understand.


    13-0 points
    10 points The introduction sets clear expectations for the content of the paper. It contains a focused thesis that conveys the point of the paper, and the writer’s position.
    10-9 points The introduction is clear and generally relevant to the content of the paper. The thesis statement is not entirely clear.

    8-7 points The introduction and or the thesis statement seem incoherent, absent, or disconnected from the content of the paper.
    6-0 points
    APA Format
    5 points The paper adheres to APA guidelines for formatting: it contains a title page, and a references page. The paper is double-spaced and the font is 12-point Times or Arial.
    5 points The paper may neglect to adhere to few APA formatting guidelines element, i.e., it is single-spaced and or may be missing a title page.

    4 points The paper generally neglects to adhere to APA guidelines for formatting. It may be missing key elements.

    3-0 points

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