Task for Learning Journal

    describe what is trategic management? is

    How is business strategy similar to military strategy? How is it different?

    What do you understand by the terms ?strategic analysis?, ?strategic development? and ?strategic implementation?

    .Write about your experience with today?s case study. What answers did you give? Was it easy to answer the
    questions? Did your group agree with each other?

    Why is strategy making like a science and why is it also like an art or craft?

    describe the difference between intended strategy
    and emergent strategy

    Choose two of the 10 schools of strategy thought and describe them in your own words. Try and provide a real world
    example for each e.g. an organisation or a situation

    Write about your experience with today’s case study. What answers did you give to the questions?
    Who is a strategist? Describe the main types of jobs that have a strong strategy element

    What?s the difference between a strategic planner and a strategy consultant? (use your own words or referenced

    What were your answers to question 1 and 2 on the group exercise this week?
    You need to start preparing for week 5. See if you can find your first strategy job advert right now and post it
    as a picture or attachment to this weeks learning journal entry
    Post 3 recent strategy job adverts on your Learning Journal. You can these as one entry or three separate journal

    Discuss these jobs (or you can think about all the jobs from today). What kind of skills and traits do you need to
    get a job as a strategist? Were there any jobs that you would consider applying for in the future? (explain why,
    or why not)

    What do you want to do when you have finished this course? What skills do you want to improve in the next year in
    order to help you reach your goals?



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