talent management

    talent management

    personal analysis of talent management The part must be completed with 2000 words allocated per piece of work. Please pay careful attention to the wording of the question as detailed below.

    Essay Question – a personal analysis of talent management from the student’s own experiences and future expectations.
    “Graduate recruitment and development forms one of the most important feeders to the talent pipelines for specialist and senior management positions, and so is firmly on the agenda of many businesses. But this is not just talent-spotting the “high flyers” at an early stage and fast tracking their careers. Many companies now recruit a wider range of graduates (and non-graduates) with potential for reaching a range of positions. Managing this more diverse pool of talent can be a challenge and one that requires considerable resources and effort to do well” (Connor & Shaw, 2008:358)
    Critically reflect on the impact of this view for the acquisition, utilisation, development and reward of your talent within an organisational setting. Your answer, whilst being personally focussed must also refer to relevant literature and best practice.
    [Source: Connor, H. & Shaw, S. (2008), Graduate training and development: current trends and issues, Education + Training, Vol. 50 Iss: 5 pp. 357 – 365].

    Word count
    • Length: 1700 words for the question
    • State word count in answer (excluding reference list and any appendices)
    • Should be no more than 10% on the question, or you will risk losing marks.

    Format Please type on one side of the page only, using A4 size white paper. Do not use font size any smaller than 12 point.

    Guidance :
    This reflective element is asking you to consider your individual experiences and/or expectations of how your talent has been/will be managed in an organisational setting. You are required to consider the whole talent pipeline (see fig 1.0), highlighting best practice and key issues then relating this to your own experiences/expectations in each of the component parts. Think about how so called “best practice” has/could influence your decision to join an organisation; how it feels/could potentially feel to be “talent managed”; how you have had or expect your talent to be nurtured and rewarded.

    Generic Guidance:
    Your own experience within an organisation
    You can analyse your own experience within an organisation however please remember that
    • You must write concisely and not use valuable words describing situations
    • You must be analytical, rather than merely telling a story; analyse why the situation was as it was, the implications of this and how this compared to good practice
    • Don’t rely solely on your own experience for examples – these only represent one view.

    Assessment Criteria
    Academic Argument:
    Marks for assignments are given in consideration of the following issues:
    • relevance of answer to the question set
    • clarity of answer
    • logically developed and well reasoned arguments
    • adequate and relevant evidence for arguments
    • evidence of linkage between academic arguments and self-reflection
    • evidence of appropriate reading
    • clear conclusions

    • well structured answer
    • clearly written with good grammar and spelling
    • references cited properly in answer
    • sufficient references to sources
    • references correctly listed at end
    • within word limit




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