Take two major developments and discusses their impact on your chosen field of study (games programming)

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    Assessment FND100.2 Essay

     Written Assignment

    Overview- The media industry has developed significantly in the last twenty years. Whether it has been the introduction of digital technology or the significance of the internet, the industry is completely different to what it was just 20 years ago. Take two major developments and discusses their impact on your chosen field of study (games programming). Look at how they have change the industry for better or worse. Have they truly changed? Anything? Where will they push the industry in the future?

    Requirements –

     Demonstrate critical and conceptual thinking

    Use quotes from a variety of valid sources

    Present clear and insightful opinions

     1000 words

    The assignment must be submitted in essay format

    Ensure the work is appropriately formatted and labelled

    Ensure that all quoted material is clearly referenced in

    accordance with the Harvard referencing guidelines

    (Available on the Intranet)

    Assessment Criteria

      Clear and concise introduction

     Insightful overview of key problems and issues

    Appropriate level of critical and conceptual analysis

     Clear and insightful conclusions

     Effective use of quotes and other materials

     Appropriate formatting / use of language

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