Taiwanese Culture



    1. Attention Getter
    Some of Asian often has argument or hatred mind with other Asian about their culture or history.

    2. Thesis statement
    Taiwan has two different practices and different ethnicities have contributed to the rise of new cultures; each characterized with different ethnicities, practices, and location. Even though all these cultures are different, they all are bonded together by peace and harmony.

    3. Relevance of topic to the audience
    Making curiosity from hatred mind toward to audience, and make them want know more.

    4. Credibility:

    5. Preview of Main Points:

    First Main Point – Open Mind

    1. Aboriginal and Taiwanese
    2. Welcome to everyone becoming a Taiwanese

    Second Main Point – Cooperative

    1. Work as whole, family comes first
    2. Not independent

    Third Main Point – Education

    1. It always comes first
    2. Parents forced to study hard


    1. Thesis
    Two different ethnicities built into one culture from peace and harmony, not like Australia.

    2. Background

    3. Clincher/Kicker

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