systems and organisations

    Making Sense of Organisations – To what extent are people subordinated to systems and organisations
    Assignment Brief and Purpose
    “In the past man has been first. In the future the System will be first”.
    Attributed to Frederick Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century and quoted in
    The One Best Way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency (1997) London:
    Little Brown
    This quotation suggests that Classical management theorists viewed the relationship
    between people and organisations as one in which people serve organisations not the other
    way round.
    This assignment requires you to address the following question in the form of an essay;
    To what extent are people subordinated to systems and organisations
    in the 21st century?
    Given that organisations are an inescapable part or all our lives it becomes important that we
    develop an understanding of what they are and how they work (or do not work). The lecture
    programme has emphasized the idea that organisations are not a single entity and that
    making sense of them requires us to examine them through a variety of theoretical
    perspectives as well as our own perceptual lens. This postmodern understanding argues
    that organisations are socially constructed phenomena, so questions like; ‘what the
    organisation is’, ‘why it is there’ and ‘how it works (or doesn’t)’ and ‘why’, should be
    addressed from these different, but interrelated theoretical constructs.
    The various perspectives offered during the lectures can all be employed to help you make
    sense of organisations. These may include the following but you are not confined to these;
    Rational technical
    Cultural (organisational and national)
    An additional implication of the postmodern understanding is that the person making sense,
    (you), must acknowledge their own influence on the sense making process, that is, you are
    also involved in socially constructing the organisation even as an analyst, and are not
    examining it from a distance. This will involve you in a consideration of your own
    background and life experience. You are encouraged to offer insights of your own, and
    given that we are understanding organisations as any community of people, large or small
    and with whatever purpose, you should use your own experience. This may include any
    organisations of which you have experience, for example; part time or full time work, schools
    and other educational establishments, leisure time organisations, political organisations.

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