System management

    Read the case study referenced below:

    -Analyze the case( I attached Gap Analysis template ) using the course materials presented(e.g. ILO), reference materials, class discussions and your experience ( check attached file) .

    – Consider the following questions as guidance only:
    1.What are the key issues from both a business and OHSsystem perspective?2.What management systems components are missing?
    3.Develop improvements to the company’s OHSsystem and programs.
    4.Develop a priority action plan for implementation of your recommended improvements.

    – Notes:
    1.You will have to make assumptions. Please state them. Keep your focus on the management system issues
    2.Please IGNORE the Assignment instructions embedded in the case on page 9

    – After filling up the template, You are required to submit a report summarizing your analysis of this case (4 pages).
    please note that not all aspects or questions on the attached template have to be answered. You can select the most relevant questions to the case and answer them ( 5-6 pages out of 9 pages should be enough to analyze )

    -Times Roman 12 font, double spaced or equivalent

    I attached a Sample for Gap analysis so you can get an idea how to start

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