System Behavior

    System Behavior

    Beyond the notion of input > transformation > output, the behavior of systems contains a number of other important concepts. These include such topics as interdependence, reciprocal causation, wholeness, nonsummativity, and unintended consequences. Do some research on systems thinking. Identify and define some of the important features of how systems behave, including those noted earlier in this question. Briefly discuss one of the features, and describe how you see or don’t see it operate in your organization/workplace. What insights do these features provide about the behavior of humans in organizations? How does each of these concepts influence human behavior? What insights do these features provide about how to influence high-performance organizational behavior?

    II. Week 1 Assignment 3, Question 2


    Question 2
    Organizational Complexity
    Given the multiple components (subsystems) of the organizational system model, organizations might be said to be complex. Drawing from your own work and organizational experiences identify some of the complexities of organizational life. Consider asking a top manager or leader, “What makes your job or this organization complex?” and reporting a summary of those findings here. What similarities in organizational complexity are evident when comparing the different organizations represented by class members? What leadership qualities are required to deal with organizational complexity? How does organizational complexity affect human behavior?

    III. Week 2, Assignment 1 Question 1

    Discussion Question 1
    A number of personality dimensions are identified in the textbook (Big Five, attitudes, locus of control, etc.). What are the strengths and weaknesses of some of the personality dimensions in various organizational settings? Are there certain combinations of factors (i.e., personality and environmental conditions) that might lead to “problem personalities” or “ideal personalities?” In other words, might certain combinations of qualities or levels of certain qualities create a predisposition to negative organizational behaviors in certain situations? Can those same combinations of qualities create a predisposition to positive organizational behaviors in other situations? What personality types should leaders recruit among organizational members? Are there any personality types that leaders should avoid recruiting among organizational members?

    IV. Week 2, Assignment 1, Question 3

    The facilitator will assign at least two questions for the week. Check the appropriate Discussion Area to see which questions have been assigned. By Week 2, Monday (Day 2), respond to the assigned questions in the Discussion Area.
    Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Discussion questions often contain multiple parts or starter questions. You do not need to write a mini-paper and answer each specific part in your initial post. Rather, identify one or two aspects of the discussion topic and post a substantive reply. Consider dialogue forums as analogous to a conversation that might occur in a face-to-face classroom. However, support your answers with examples and research. Cite your research using the correct APA format.
    Substantive dialogues are not repetitive. Thus, if someone else has posted regarding a particular aspect of the topic, you need to identify some other element of the question for your initial post. In other words, address a different starter question or provide a different view or new ideas. Do not just repeat what others have already said.
    Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. By Week 2, Wednesday (Day 4), respond to at least two of your classmates in each discussion question. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between one or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Follow-up posts should also be substantive and include support from examples and correctly cited research when possible. Simply agreeing or disagreeing is not considered substantive. The dialogues should be useful conversations that explore topics both broadly and deeply.
    Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
    Provided substantive initial responses to the questions assigned by the facilitator. 10
    Participated in the ongoing discussion by asking questions, providing statements of clarification, providing points of view with rationales, challenging points of discussion, or making relationships between one or more points of the discussion. 20
    Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and citations from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience. Citations and references were correctly formatted according to APA. 10
    Used appropriate spelling and grammar. 5
    Total: 45


    Question 3
    How do individual differences (i.e., personality, diversity, incentives, etc.) impact interpersonal communication in organizations? How do they affect organizational behavior? In what ways do they inhibit communication/organizational behavior? In what ways do they aid communication/organizational behavior? What leader attitudes and behaviors are important given the presence of individual differences and diversity? Do you have any examples from your organization where individual differences/diversity were or were not addressed effectively by leadership?


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