Synthesis Essay

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    Over the last weeks, we were working on reading sources to have a deeper understanding of climate change. 

    Now it is your turn to enter the conversation!

    An argument synthesis draws upon evidence from a variety of sources is an attempt to persuade a reader that a particular and debatable claim is true. To develop your argument synthesis, you need to rely on the readings we had so far. You need to use at least 3 of the readings we had in class. You can use 2 additional sources (which you can bring from the online sources of your library or from online newspapers and magazines).
    The purpose of this paper is to help you decide how and when to incorporate the sources into your paper. A synthesis combines existing materials (your sources) to form a new shape (your overview of the subject).
    You need to combine what five sources have to say into a coherent overview of the subject. You can use 2 additional outside sources if you need to.
    Michael Novacek’s “The Sixth Extinction: It Happened to Him. It’s Happening to You”
    James R. Lee’s “Global Warming Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg”
    Michael Oppenheimer and Kevin Trenberth’s “Climate Science Tells Us the Alarm Bells Are Ringing”
    Nancy San Martin’s “Coping with Climate Change”
    “Kuwait Feels Pinch of ‘Climate Change’”
    “Kuwait Targets Renewable Energy Sources: Sun, Wind Seen as Best Bets”
    In particular, the essay of synthesis will present you with five separate tasks: 
    (1) drafting a tentative claim
    (2) gathering material from varied sources
    (3) creating the conversation
    (4) entering the conversation 

    Two: This will be the final draft. Graded. 2 soft copies (one posted on turnitin and one on Moodle). Hard copy stapled – submitted at the beginning of the class session.  Late submission will not be accepted. 

    Length: 600-700 words

    MLA format: Times New Roman 12 double-spaced. No additional spaces between paragraphs. Cover page not required. Family name and page number in the upper right corner of each page, one-half inch below the top edge. 1 inch margins on all sides. Indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch from the left margin. 
    On the first page of your paper, type your name, professor’s name, the course number and title and the date on separate lines against the left margin. Example:
                                                Smith 1
    John Smith
    Professor Lara Assaad
    ENGL. 100 – Foundations in Academic Reading and Writing
    24 November 2013
    You should provide:
        Title
        An introduction where you describe the issue and your claim that needs support.
        A body that shows how the sources contribute to your paper or work as counterarguments 
        A conclusion reminding readers of the most significant themes you have found and the ways they connect to the overall topic
        A works cited page. Refer to A Writer’s Reference when writing your works cited page.

    You need to be able to move smoothly between different, sometimes contrary, points of you. Signal phrases make it easy for your readers to know where your information came from.
    For example: According to psychologist Stephen Ceci in his article for Newsweek magazine . . .
    A report published by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics concludes . . .
    Feminist philosopher Sandra Harding argues . . .
    . . . claims Stephen Cenci.
    . . . according to a report published by . . .
    Some useful verbs to introduce sources:
    acknowledges        contends    points out
    argues            denies        recommends
    believes        disputes    reports
    claims            observes    suggests
    emphasizes        indicates    implies
    proposes        concludes    speculates*

    A sample of a synthesis can be found on p. 386-87 of your textbook.

    Behrens, Laurence, and Leonard J. Rosen. Writing and Reading across the Curriculum. 11th ed. Boston: Longman, 2011. Print.

    Attached is the assignment sheet, sources in 1 document, reference from my textbook and the rubric reading.

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