Sustainable Agriculture & Labor Conditions

    Essay: Sustainable Agriculture and Labor Conditions

    Develop a persuasive paper aimed at convincing the reader that for agriculture to be called sustainable, it must include decent wages, benefits, and working conditions

    for farm workers.

    Focusing on this aspect of the definition of “sustainable” will require you to find out the actual wages being paid to farm workers in California and Texas. You may

    also consider the differences between small, medium, and large farms; the range of working conditions that need to be considered, as well as other supporting

    information (such as in interviews).

    The purpose of the paper is to present a coherent argument designed to convince an intelligent and broadly educated reader to adopt your definition of sustainability.

    This paper should be at least 5 pages in length with 1” margins, double-spaced using a 12 point New Times Roman font, and be submitted with a detailed bibliography.

    The paper will be evaluated for:
     clarity of thesis
     adequacy of the argument
     appropriate voice/tone
     correct and effective use of grammar
     and as expected, to address the arguments for and against the definition of sustainable agriculture in a reasonable manner
     The completed essay, in correct format, with MLA Works Cited pages

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