Survey Data Collection and Conducting Research on the Internet

    Assignment Requirements


    Quantitative Methods
    This is a two part assignment. Each part is small. Please complete both parts.
    Assignment: Part 1
    In the section, you will explore quantitative research methods. Quantitative methods use data collected in the research to support the hypothesis. Researcher often use quantitative methods when the data has been collected using a survey or instrument such as a questionnaire. Test scores and other forms of data collected for other purposes can also be used in a quantitative study.
    Develop a survey of at least 10 different questions. Be sure to include both quantitative and qualitative survey questions. You will notice that you can create a variety of question types. Be creative and explore all of the options. Visit the following links to learn more:
    Length: Prepare a 10 (or more) item question survey with both quantitative and qualitative survey questions.

    Your survey should demonstrate new thoughts and insights relating directly to your topic (see attached file). Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
    Assignment Part 2
    2) Prepare a brief discussion (150-200 words) of any issues or reflections you had while developing the survey.


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