Survey concerning the topic: Property rights & their application

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    Use the property rights concepts in the
    1st set of readings to analyse cases.
    Think about _ what do these
    frameworks tell you about the problems
    and how they might be addressed?
    Examples of things to
    ? What property rights existed with respect to the resource in
    ? Does the ToC idea apply? Why or why not?
    ? Using property rights concepts (eg from your core reading),
    identify the underlying nature of the problem?
    E.g how can you apply common pool resource, bundle of
    rights or other concepts? Eg Ostrom?s or other frameworks?
    ? What authority system governs these resources? How well
    and with what consequences? What political processes
    affected the outcome?
    ? According to the author, can the property rights dilemmas
    be resolved? How?
    ? If useful, you can apply access concepts (but not
    ? This is not a checklist: you don?t need to do all of this!
    In carrying out your review, you need to discuss the case study you have chosen in terms of property rights concepts: how were property rights issues affecting the environmental problem in the case study? Are tragedy of commons (ToC) and common pool resource concepts useful (or not) for understanding this particular case?
    In your survey, remember to consider how political processes and dynamics affect outcomes.
    Thanks a lot

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