SupplyChainManagement-ERP Integration Management

    Prof wants us the same calculations as in the slides and relate to the supply chain of walmart and amazon.
    PowerPoints – no restriction on number of slides, each slide has a value, it does not then this will cost you. Make sure it is.

    Step 1:
    summaries – start with all the financials
    look on all the years and see all ratios transofrmed that

    Step 2:
    understand why these ratios are what they are – go back and get any informations like new times, stories like Walmart and Amazon – compare between them

    Step 3:
    your own set of conclusions and recommendation in order to move forward better

    Big objective behind this assignment:
    Mainly to understand how SCM links to fainancial and have a good understanding

    Note from prof:
    I will discuss the first group project in the class today. In the meantime, the project will be related to the following case study:

    Half a Century of Supply Chain Management at Wal-Mart, by Ken Mark and P. Fraser Johnson, Ivey Publishing (2012).
    Make sure you do references in APA (Guied attached)
    Important pics are attached too.
    Slides attached too.

    Pls let me know if you’re comfortable with this or not, also please let me know pricing and if you do it before deadline or not.

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