Sunshine Coast Hotel

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    Sunshine Coast Hotel

    Students: BA Business Information Systems, BSc Business Software Development, BSc Software Engineering, BSc Computer Science, BSc European Computing, BSc Maths & Computing, BSc Joint Honours Computing (Hastings)

    Staff: Jane Challenger Gillitt, Mousa Khubrani
    Weighting: This coursework counts for 50% of the module assessment.
    Module Learning Outcomes:

    LO1: classify various types of data and database systems in a variety of applications
    LO2: use appropriate techniques to validate a database design including form normalisation and testing
    LO3: describe and explain the need for security in the database
    LO4: describe and explain the need for data analysis and logical database design
    LO5: analyse data and produce a logical database design

    Suggested Reading:
    Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (fifth edition)by Thomas Connolly & Carolyn Begg, Addison Wesley 2010.

    Further research:
    Hotel Una
    New Steine Hotel
    Hotel Executive software
    Room master software

    Assignment Task

    Produce a Logical Data Model or Entity Relationship Diagram and Data Dictionary for the Hotel Sunshine Coast. This will consist of a Logical Data Structure plus supporting documentation: entity descriptions, including details of all attributes with appropriate data types assigned and any likely constraints and relationship descriptions. Perform relational data analysis on all company documentation provided.

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    The following reports will be required in the system:

    1. Current bookings
    2. Occupancy rates by month/week over the past year
    3. Weekly/monthly income
    4. Number of extras by category ordered in any given month and associated income

    Provide proof that your design can support these outputs, either with a set of Enquiry Access Paths or by implementing a front-end to a database implementation.

    Sunshine Coast Hotel case study

    The Sunshine Coast Hotel is a small family-run business on the south coast of England. They are doing well but, with constant visitors they find it difficult to keep track of costs and charges. They want to install a database system that will allow them to keep records of their visitors and print invoices in the first instance. They hope it will form the basis of further expansion.

    Preliminary investigation of the requirements for the system has elicited the following facts:

    • Rooms are numbered from 101 to 359 (although there are only 20 rooms in all, they are over 3 floors)
    • Some rooms are accessible for wheelchair users and others are not
    • Rooms are of three types:
    1. Single – charged at £40 per night
    2. Double – charged at £52 per night
    3. Suite (suitable for a family of four) – charged at £95 per night
    • Customers are charged for a room, at a standard rate, although a record is kept on the number of people in the room
    • Customers are given a unique ‘customer ID’ and their information is currently kept in a card index
    • Customers can order specific items which can be charged to their roomas extras on their bill. These charged at a standard rates as follows:
    1. Traditional breakfast – charged at £10
    2. Continental breakfast – charged at £5
    3. Evening meal – charged at £25 per person
    4. Range of bar snacks – charged at £15
    5. Room service meal – charged at £30
    • Customers can buy other items, such as drinks from the bar, but these are paid for individually and not charged to the customer’s room.

    The Sunshine Coast Hotel currently use pre-printed stationery and the reception staff write out invoices for customers when they leave. Below is an example of the invoices they use.








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    Date Time Type Quantity Price total
    21/11/13 9:30pm 3. Evening meal 2 £25 £50
    22/11/13 8:15am 2. Continental breakfast 2 £5 £10
    22/11/13 2pm 4. Range of bar snacks 1 £15 £15

    Total of extras…………….£75.00
    Total of room charge…..£208.00
    Grand total……………….£283.00
    Appendix A: Marking criteria

    Marks available
    All of the entities are identified and have well-written descriptions 10
    All of the relationships are identified and have good names and correct multiplicities 10
    All of the relevant attributes are identified with appropriate data types 10
    Excellent ER diagram in which all entities and relationships are correctly represented 20
    Relational data analysis on all company documentation provided 20
    front-end report of:
    Current bookings 7.5
    Occupancy rates by month/week over the past year 7.5
    Weekly/monthly income 7.5
    Number of extras by category ordered in any given month and associated income 7.5

    Appendix B: Example entity documentation

    Entity Name Description Approximate number

    From Entity To Entity Relationship Name Multiplicity (1:1, 1:M, M:N)

    Entity Attribute Name Description Data type & length Nulls (Y/N)

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