Suicidal Risk Factors for older adults

    Suicidal Risk Factors for older adults

    This is a multipart order. It actually has 4 different assignments.
    Assignment #1: Mission, Goals and Objectives (10%, Due July 17) – Prepare a written information sheet describing the mission, goals and objectives of your newly created social service agency. You may use a picture or image as the agency logo. A rubric will be provided. (1 page)

    Assignment #2: Letter of Inquiry (10%, Due July 22) – Prepare a 2-page letter of inquiry describing your new program to a foundation. You will be writing to find out if the foundation has an interest in providing your agency with seed money to begin your project. A rubric will be provided. (2 pages)

    Assignment #3: Press Release (10%, Due July 26) – Prepare a press release announcing the opening of your new agency highlighting the unique services of your agency will provide, and the population you will be serving. A

    Assignment #4: Brief Grant Proposal (20%, Due July 31) – Based on your letter of inquiry, prepare a six page proposal that includes a cover letter, executive summary, organizational information, statement of need, project description, evaluation, budget and conclusion. A logic model and an organizational chart should also be included.

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