Suggest a solution available in the market to improve the authentication process

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     assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding references. The number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer.

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              10 reference at least

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              Must have introduction




    Analyse the solutions to improve authentication process for distributed applications available in the market and to identify their benefits.

    REQUIREMENT / ASSIGNMENT QUESTION                          

    As a system administrator at a private hospital, you realised that authentication process for distributed applications slows down critical work process and that in a worst-case scenario it might even affects someone’s life. At the same time you must also consider the security aspect of it. System Administrator must assume that every client is not to be trusted. As a result, users need to remember so many passwords to log in to different systems or applications while administrators need to manage lots of updates for user’s accounts for different applications. The situation has raised many complains from doctors and patients alike who demand for more efficient authentication process from the hospital management system.

    (a)      Suggest a solution available in the market to improve the authentication process. Explain with an example on how the solution works.

    (b)     Justify why the solution should be implemented. To support your justification, provide one example of the benefit from the health care application perspective.

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