Success essay

    Success essay
    In “Measuring Success,” Renee Loth describes how her definition of success has changed over the years. No longer striving for wealth and fame, she is content in the wisdom she has gained. Other essays that you will be reading discuss the issues of work and wealth, with some authors claiming that we are materialistic workaholics, others claiming that we should prize work.


    Think about your definition of success. To what extent is work an aspect of success? To what extent is material wealth an important element? What other features factor into success? Can you think of people or real stories that illustrate these features of success?


    Ask other people, especially older individuals for their insights. What do they think is the essence of success?

    Based on your thoughts, observations, and discussions, write an essay that defines success for you. Identify the three specific aspects that you think most epitomize success, and develop each aspect in a separate body paragraph. Include specific examples and stories that illustrate your points.

    Write an essay identifying how one can achieve success. Identify the three most important things a person must do in order to find success, and develop each one in a separate body paragraph. Include specific examples and stories that illustrate your points.

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