Students will analyse a set text, or a small range of texts, through one of the following theory Ecocriticism Custom Essay

    In this assignment students will be assessed on their critical engagement with unit and individually researched reading material, their undertaking of the

    task, their knowledge of theory, their critical and relational thinking and their use of academic writing conventions like structure, academic english and

    Minimum Research Requirement: At least three unit readings from the relevant week plus at least three other relevant and appropriate academic sources.

    Strictly use this structure for the essay as advised by my professor:

    -Intro, brief outline of the subject
    e.g. In this essay I will be looking at the idea of ….
    little definition… you can use first person but not for opinion only if your saying, in this essay I”m going to be looking at these 3 issues

    8 paragraphs – 4 ideas- 1 idea per 2 paragraphs – through that one idea more ideas come out of that
    logical… make it flow on from each other
    you can link by themes
    e.g. this theme of blank is expressed here…

    no new ideas
    no quotes
    summarize main points
    nothing new
    e.g. in this essay i have argued this…. or due to the limited scope of this essay further research can be done…

    a bit of information from my course reader (don”t use this as its plagiarism) : Ecocriticism is a critical framework that appeared in the final decades of

    the twentieth-century, but has much deeper roots. Ecocriticism is analysis and critique of the relationship between writing (and cultural production more

    generally) and the natural world. As its heart, ecocriticism aims to change how people perceive their relationship with the natural environment.

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