Students should first read the article “Army Colonel Wants Unattractive Women in Ads” Custom Essay

    2. For this essay, students should first read the article “Army Colonel Wants Unattractive Women in Ads” news story at the link below.
    After reading the article, students should search the Myers textbook for information that supports BOTH sides of this position. Any material from any chapter that we have read in the Myers textbook may be used as support for this assignment. As students organize their logical arguments and gather their research support, students should categorize their material as supporting either 1) COL

    Arnhart’s position, “In general, ugly women are perceived as competent while pretty women are perceived as having used their looks to

    get ahead,” and “…a photo of a woman with a mud-streaked face, for example, ‘sends a much different message – one of women willing to

    do the dirty work necessary in order to get the job done’” or 2) the marketing position, “…it’s doubtful that the mainstream media –

    where the objectification of female beauty pay the bills – will follow suit any time soon” and “The reason probably has to do with

    women’s physical appearance, on a broad cultural level, being more important in people’s mind(s) than men’s physical appearance.”

    Students must be sure to locate three unique theories, terms, or research studies that support EACH side of the debate (i.e., a total

    of 6 constructs). Once located, students must write an essay that presents a balanced view of the issue, providing equally strong

    arguments for each side of the opposing positions. In their essay, students should introduce the news story with a brief description in

    the introductory paragraph then present an argument that includes explanations of at least three supporting concepts for one side of

    the debate. Then, the essay should shift arguments and include explanations of at least three supporting concepts for the other side of

    the debate. Each argument should include a clear statement of each social psychology concept being discussed, its definition or

    explanation, and how it relates to the topic of the news story. In the concluding paragraph, students must critically evaluate their

    arguments and choose a side to support. The concluding paragraph should include an explanation that justifies the position and why the

    student chose it.

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