Student Success and Engagement Assignment

     Your Name  Major : (Communications)


    There are several things that can help you succeed in your academic goals in this class and at Orange Coast College, and some of them require effort and time to access.  This assignment is designed to help you get the support you need to have a healthy start, continue a great education, or prepare to finish your educational goals at OCC.


    There are three (3) simple directions:

    1.) Make an appointment with a counselor to complete or review your comprehensive educational plan.  The assignment cannot be turned in until after the counseling appointment and educational plan is discussed.


    Counselor’s Name Print


    2.) Go to OCC homepage to research what financial aid, scholarships, book grants, or fee waivers you qualify for.  Also visit the Success Center, the Library, a Computer Lab, and Student Activities to find out what information and services they offer free to students…such as loans, laptops, movies, memberships, clubs, tutoring, help with research papers, printing.

    3.) Find one (1) “GO TO” person on campus that you can go to for help with different issues pertaining to college, life, or anything that can impact your success.


    “Go To” Person’s Name and Department                       Email Address



    Turn in a 1-page essay that documents your findings in the directions above. Well written and informative on the findings that OCC offers students. 

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