stressors/stressful situations

    Question 1: What stressors/stressful situations (e.g. major life events, daily hassles, job stress,
    family stress) did you have to deal with over the past year? Please mention at least 5 different sources of
    stress and explain in detail why you perceived these situations as stressful.
    Question 2: How did the stressors mentioned above affect your personal life, physical health, and/or
    emotional well-being? Try to be as specific as possible when answering this question.
    Question 3: What coping mechanisms did you use to deal with the stressors mentioned above and how
    would you rate their effectiveness? Please refer to the Coping With Stress section of the textbook and give
    clear examples of the coping mechanisms you have used in the past.
    Question 4: Please take a moment to reflect on how it was like to be enrolled in this course. Then
    answer the following questions: How stressful was the experience of taking this course for you? What aspects
    of the course (e.g. discussion board entries, exams, assignments) were most stressful for you and why? What
    strategies (if any) did you use to deal with course related stress?
    Question 5: In hindsight, what advice would you give other students who are thinking about enrolling
    in this course in regard to keeping their stress level low?
    The expected length for this paper is 4-5 pages assuming the paper is correctly formatted. Please note that
    the title page and reference pages do not count toward the required number of pages. The paper should have
    five clearly labeled sections: Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, and Question 5. Each section
    should be of similar depth and detail. To properly complete this assignment, you will need to use your class
    textbook. Be sure to state your points clearly and properly use terms and concepts from the textbook. Of
    course when relying on information from the textbook or any other source, you must give proper credit to your
    sources by using APA style in-text citations and references.
    Don’t forget to include the plagiarism paragraph at the end of your paper. The paragraph can be found at the
    end of the instructions for formatting your papers.

    Important Information Regarding Writing Assignments

    Important – read the following, then follow the instructions at the bottom of the section.
    Plagiarism, be it intentional or unintentional, is a recurring problem with writing assignments, all the more
    so in the cut-and-paste computer age. I check for plagiarism. If I catch plagiarism on any assignment I will
    file an academic dishonesty charge and recommend a zero on that assignment.
    It is important that you understand what constitutes plagiarism so that you can avoid it. In its most common
    form, plagiarism includes:
    • Taking another person’s idea, opinion or data and representing it as your own product.
    • Copying someone else’s work.
    • Quoting a source without clearly identifying it as a quote and clearly giving credit to your source
    with an APA style in-text citation and reference.
    • Paraphrasing the ideas of another without giving credit to the source with APA style in-text citation
    and reference. This includes taking a chunk of text and changing only a few words here or there and
    representing it as your own.



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