Stravinsky- Rite of Spring “Opening”

    Duration: (8:58)
    User: operascenes – Added: 3/27/11
    This is Part 1. There is some partial nudity in this video. If this might offend you, watch the Martha Graham version on YouTube.

    Le Sacre Du Printemps by Pina Bausch Wuppertal Dance Theater
    Duration: (7:24)
    User: davechao03 – Added: 12/10/06
    This is Part 2. Use these videos

    RESEARCH ON THE WEB – ESSAY: Discuss the general public’s response to the premiere of “The Rite of Spring”. How does that reaction compare to the general acceptance of this ballet today and to your reaction to the ballet.

    Be sure to identify all 5 musical examples before you submit your test.
    1) Title of Work

    2) Movement of work (if applicable)

    3) Name of Composer (if applicable)
    Each research assignment requires that you write an essay connecting a number of different ideas or concepts. These “ connections” are what you express in your essay. No two assignments follow the same path; so do not be surprised that your essays do not follow the same plan, but I want those essays presented to me using the following format.

    1. A personal summary of your essay, in a narrative form, in your own words, is to be presented at the top of your essay, making it the first paragraph that I read. This can be very short, but must summarize your essay. Consider it a condensed version of your essay.


    2. Your essay must list the question and present your research, as well as your conclusions. These essays are not opinion works, so you will have to cut and paste materials from the web to substantiate and detail your research.

    3. Following your essay, please include sources for all of your research with WWW addresses. As always, your work is expected to be grammatically correct and spelled accurately.



    This category lists the audio and video assignments you are tested on. Your textbook comes included with a 2 CD set, and you are required to obtain an additional 4 CD set. Most (but not all) chapters will have a selection of music that you are to listen to. I have posted the LISTENING TESTS for these chapters as assignments in each learning module. You can take these tests any time before or on the date for that chapter.

    …. .

    When you submit your Listening Assignments to me by e-mail, I require the following information. You will not get full credit if any of these items are missing.

    1) Title of Work

    2) Movement of work (if applicable)

    3) Name of Composer (if applicable)


    1) Symphony #1

    2) 2nd movement (Allegro)

    3) K T Futterer

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