Strategy Implementation Evaluation and Control

    Weeks 3 4 and 5 Individual Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is part three of the three part Strategic Management Plan addressing strategy implementation evaluation and control. The purpose of the Week 5 individual assignment is to allow the student to discuss and explain how the strategies discussed in prior weeks are converted into implementation activities both domestically and internationally in alignment with legal social and ethical considerations. Furthermore the student has an opportunity to explain and discuss how the strategic plan and implementation activities will be monitored.
    Weeks 3 4 and 5 Individual Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is Part 3 of the three part Strategic Management Plan.
    Assignment Steps
    Writea 1050-word report on the company you selected in Week 3 following up on the Individual Assignment of Week 3 (Environmental Scanning)and address the following:
    Citeat least 3 scholarly references.
    Formatyour paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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