strategies to build media relations and generate publicity for the organization


    Write a 1,400- to 2,000-word paper in which you recommend strategies to build media relations and generate publicity for the organization selected in Learning Team Meeting One. Address the following in your Strategy Paper:

    • List objectives for the PR Campaign.
    • Identify the organization’s publics.
    • Identify the risks in the strategy.
    • Write a media release and create a media distribution list for the media release.
    • Develop a tactical plan utilizing at least five of the following PR tools:
      • Event planning
      • Open house
      • Press conference
      • Community event
      • Sponsorship
      • Corporate newsletter—internal or external
      • Direct mail
      • Internet or intranet
      • Promotional items
      • Promotions—sweepstakes
      • Spokesperson
      • Evaluate the business implications of your PR Campaign.

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    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    Include use of course theory with citations to the readings or other credible sources. A good rule of thumb is at least one citation for each topic or one per page.

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