Strategic Review

    Strategic Review

    Communication from S.M. Art Espance:

    Welcome aboard this project. ABC Company and Whole Foods Market are expecting us to provide them with top notch advice on how to integrate Whole Foods into ABC Company. I will be working on analyzing ABC Company. You will be working on analyzing Whole Foods Market. I expect you to do excellent work (after all, is the notion of "excellence" not the key word in the name of our consulting firm?).

    I would like for you to review as much information as you can on the Whole Food Market website, particularly that in the "Investor Relations" section. At a minimum, I need for you to review the following materials in preparation for your report/analysis:


    Outline of contents of the report to guide you- click here

    Reuters Company Profile: Whole Foods Market – click here

    Case study: (be sure that you do not rely on this document as your primary source of information – but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources). Retrieved on 07.27.12

    Article: Business Analysis: Whole Foods Market Retrieved on 07.27.12 (again, do not rely on this document as primary source of information – be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources).

    Whole Foods Market website: Retrieved on 07.27.12.

    Whole Foods Market (about the company) Whole Foods Market Retrieved on 07.27.12.

    Whole Foods Market – Annual Stakeholders Report, 2011 – click here Retrieved on 07.27.12.

    Review Case Analysis since it is so important in this final course. The purpose of a Case is to show that you have thought critically about the subject matter that you are learning AND to make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case. To review Case Analysis and Toulmin’s Argument Methodology, go to Making a Case page.


    First, you need to do a strategic analysis of Whole Foods Market. The executives are looking for us to give them an independent, objective view of Whole Foods Market’s current strategic position. They want to get full information of Whole Foods Market’s mission, vision and values. They want to identify its current set of strategic goals, and a critical assessment of the competition and the competitive environment (remote and operating environments). Also, they want to see the opportunities and threats Whole Foods is presently facing, and they need a general idea of the company’s strengths and weaknesses. Whole Foods Market and ABC Company want to know if we think they should make any strategic changes or continue with the status quo instead. You need to synthesize everything you’ve learned, provide a final recommendation, and justify your reasoning.


    Do diligent research on Whole Foods Market. I have included links to various websites above.
    As an MBA, you must perform additional research to find information on competition and general trends for opportunities and threats. For the competitive analysis, identify a minimum of three of the top competitive companies and their best-selling services or products – and justify why each is a viable competitor.
    Your report should follow closely the outline that I have given you. You need to be thorough and complete. The final section is the most important section. I expect you to use excellent logic and sharp argumentation skills to make your case.
    The report must be 6-7 pages minimum – and no more than 10 pages maximum.


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