Strategic Recommendations

    Walgreens is my course project you have helped me throughout this paper.

    Activity Context

    This discussion helps you to develop the skills to mater the following course competencies:

    •Analyze the strategic elements of organizations and their external environment applying theories and models of strategy.
    •Create a comprehensive organizational strategy assessment.

    Activity Instructions

    This discussion will help you further your knowledge of strategic development by:
    •Analyzing strategic issues.
    •Formulating and proposing strategic changes for the project firm.

    “It is usual to think of structures, cultures, and systems following strategy . . .” (Jordon & Grant, p. 447). These three strategic elements (structures, systems, and culture) are the most stable parameters of an organizational design and those that are malleable in crafting a strategic change.

    For this discussion, consider changing one or more of these elements for a critical strategic issue you have identified for your project firm. Then, craft a strategic recommendation that your project firm could realize in no more than six months.


    Grant, R. M., & Jordan, J. (2012). Foundations of strategy. West Sussex, UK: Wiley & Sons.
    Discussion Participation Grading Rubric






    Applies relevant course concepts, theories, or materials correctly.

    Does not explain relevant course concepts, theories, or materials. Explains relevant course concepts, theories, or materials. Applies relevant course concepts, theories, or materials correctly. Analyzes course concepts, theories, or materials correctly, using examples or supporting evidence.

    Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts.

    Does not collaborate with fellow learners. Collaborates with fellow learners without relating discussion to the relevant course concepts. Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts. Collaborates with fellow learners, relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the dialogue.

    Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences.

    Does not contribute professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. Contributes professional, personal, or other real-world experiences, but lacks relevance. Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences. Applies relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences to extend the dialogue.

    Supports position with applicable knowledge.

    Does not establish relevant position. Establishes relevant position. Supports position with applicable knowledge. Validates position with applicable knowledge.

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