Strategic Planning Healthcare Management Class

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    Strategic Planning Healthcare Management Class
    Section 1
    Health Service Organization: STRYKER (
    This paper is being done by a team so I am responsible for researching “Service Area Competitor Analysis” section below for the company Stryker & Internal

    Environmental Analysis
    Stryker Corporation in Michigan, USA produces a variety of medical technology products and hospital equipment such as stretcher. One of Stryker’s main competitors in

    providing a complete line of emergency handling equipment such as the “stretcher” or gurneys is Ferno-Washington. Please research the competitor analysis on FERNO-

    WASHINGTON who is Stryker’s main competitor in emergency medical services.
    Please use only reputable references sources such as journal articles. APA format with reference page. See instructions below.

    Competitor Analysis.
    There are likely multiple competitors in your service area. However, for this exercise, please research Ferno- Washington which is Stryker’s main competitor in

    Emergency Medical Service. Then, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the competitor. This section should be at least (1) full page.
    Section 2

    Internal Environmental Analysis-
    Service Delivery.
    For purposes of this exercise, please analyze the point-of-service. In your analysis of the point-of-service, first identify the strengths and weaknesses.
    Point of Service
    Strengths Weaknesses

    Next, evaluate the competitive relevance for strengths and weaknesses by determining the value, rareness, imitability, and sustainability of resources, competencies,

    and capabilities at the point of service.
    Point of Service
    Resources Competencies Capabilities
    Value (High or Low) Are the resources related to point of service of high value or low value? Are the competencies related to point of service of high value or low

    value? Are the capabilities related to point of service of high value or low value?
    Rare (Yes or No) Are the resources related to point of service rare? Are the competencies related to point of service rare? Are the capabilities related to point of

    service rare?

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    Imitability (Difficult or Easy) Are the resources related to point of service easy or difficult to imitate? Are the competencies related to point of service easy or

    difficult to imitate? Are the capabilities related to point of service easy or difficult to imitate?
    Sustainability (Yes or No) Are the resources related to point of service sustainable? Are the competencies related to point of service sustainable? Are the

    capabilities related to point of service sustainable?

    Resources – are the stocks of human and nonhuman factors that are available for use in producing goods and services (i.e. tangible = land, labor, or capital;

    intangible = intellectual property, reputation, and goodwill).

    Competency – the collective knowledge and skills possessed by individuals may be a source of sustained competitive advantage for the organization.

    Capabilities – an organization’s ability to deploy resources and competencies, usually in combination, to produce desired services. Capabilities fall into one of the

    following two categories:
    ? The ability to make dynamic improvements to the organization’s activities through learning, renewal, and change over time; or
    ? The ability to develop strategic insights and recognize and arrange resources and competencies OR to develop novel strategies before or better than competitors.

    Third, based on this evaluation, identify if the point-of-service for your health service organization is a competitive strength or weakness. This section should be

    two (2) pages.

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