Strategic Management

    Strategic Management
    choose a global organisation and undertake research on that organisation. You will choose a model of strategic management that identifies and discusses the effectiveness (or otherwise) of this organisation with the view to evaluating its international strategy: Your essay will address the following elements:
    1 Strategy and Competitive advantage
    2 Internal and external environment analysis
    3 Business, corporate and international strategy
    4 Analysing the corporate structure and evaluating the alignment of structure, control, culture and reward systems
    5 Managing strategic change across global ‘borders’

    You essay must be based in a real organisation, using factual information/evidence (appendixed) as well as your argument being validated by academic literature (i.e. journal articles). Make sure you define and reference each of the business terms or themes you use

    Answer the following questions based on your chosen global organisation

    Identify a global organisation. Describe that organisation, why it exists, what it provides, and briefly identify its current strategies.
    Evaluate this organisation’s strategy in achieving competitive advantage and market share
    . Recommend at least two other strategies this organisation could implement – be specific. Your recommendations must be strategically aligned to the organisation’ mission and/or vision. Ensure you explain this link

    Use Porter’s Five Forces Model to evaluation the competitive environment of your organisation

    Identify one business, corporate and international strategy . Briefly evaluate how these strategies add value to that organisation
    State and then analyse the organisation’s corporate structure . Evaluate the alignment of structure against control, culture and reward systems
    Identify one model of strategic management which contains three main parts: strategic analysis, choice and implementation strategic analysis, choice and implementation. Discuss these concepts in relation to your organisation

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