Story is Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado”

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    Discussion 1: Summarizing Material
    Providea summary of the above story. Make sure your summary addresses the following questions.
    • Setting: where and when does the story takes place?
    • Characterization: who are the main characters? Who is the protagonist, antagonist, supporting characters?
    • Narration: who is telling the story? Is it a third person omniscient narrator or is it a character narrator?
    • Plot: What is the central issue in the story? What is the conflict? How is it resolved?
    Make sure the summary provides a topic sentence that establishes a context for your reader. Keep the summary brief – no more than 5-6 sentences.. Does it adequately address the story? Is it missing an element? Does it provide too much information that is irrelevant for a summary?
    Discussion 2: What is Critical Analysis?
    Literary criticism implies close reading more than evaluative judgment about a work of literature. Read in The Norton Introduction to Literature about different critical approaches in analyzing literature, pp. 1317-1348. Look up the term online and see what you can come up with as an understanding of what you are to do in writing a critical analysis of a piece of literature.

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