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    Literature Review

    A literature review is a common form in academic writing. In a literature review, a writer clarifies what others have already said about the topic at hand. Often, academic writers start their research papers with a literature review before adding their own, new ideas to the conversation. Sometimes, when a lot has been written about a topic, a writer will put together a literature review just to help other researchers see what everybody’s been talking about. Some literature reviews discuss dozens of sources. For this “mini” literature review, you’ll be working with 5 sources. You’ll synthesize what those sources say about three aspects of your topic.
    The goal of your Literature Review essay is to demonstrate that you have a handle on what a number of credible, relevant sources are saying about your topic and how those sources relate to each other. How do their approaches differ? Where do they agree or disagree? Do most sources seem to go one way, with a few outliers going another way? Do sources tend to agree about what aspects of your topic are important and worth studying?
    What you’re writing is more than a comparison/contrast paper, but less than a research paper. You’re not making your own argument yet. You’re giving the reader a rundown of what other people are saying.

    Preparing to write:

    1. Select several (at least five) credible sources on your topic

    2. Read the sources carefully to notice phrases/ideas/words that are repeated across different sources
    3. Read sources carefully to identify similarities and differences in the information and arguments presented

    4. Based on your careful readings, select three specific aspects (categories) of the topic worth exploring further
    5. Once you’ve selected these aspects (categories), create a grid of authors’ names and categories

    6. Fill the grid in with details from source material (decide what to quote/paraphrase/summarize)
    Authors name-Cause of grade inflation,Effects of grade inflation,Weather grade inflation exists
    Fill in the grid with ideas from the articles, as in the attached example sheet. Develop claims by reading down each column to see where your sources agree and disagree on these issues.
    Drafting the essay paragraphs:
    1. Translate the grid material into individual paragraphs. Each paragraph should discuss one particular aspect/category and should synthesize at least two different sources.

    2. Make a claim that synthesizes the sources and describes it briefly
    3. Give illustration to support your individual claims. Use quotes, paraphrases, or summary from the source material

    4. Analyze and fully explain what the synthesized sources tells us about the aspect/category

    Essay Requirements:
    Essay Format: MLA Style
    Times New Roman Typeface
    Size 12 Font
    1” header
    1” margins
    Proper MLA heading
    Works Cited page
    Length: three to four typed double-spaced pages

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