STD Risk

    In this assignment, read the article by Bethany et al (2018) which is attached here. Then discuss the following:
    Read the introduction, result and discussion sections carefully. Method section is not the most important.
    Then based on your reading, discuss two main themes:
    Assess the community’s (Sexual minority women) STD risk. Discuss in detail what are their
    demographic variables?
    sexual/medical history?
    sexual relationship?
    sexual behavior?  You might want to revisit figure 7.3 that is on page 138 of the text. Then,
    According to the article, the discriminatory experience of this community  play significant roles in accessing STD and reproductive health. How would you explain this factor (discriminatory experience) in relation to STD risk factor? Explain your answer in greater detail.

    Activity 1. Group discussion blog

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