Staffing Organizations

    Staffing Organizations
    Nairduwel, Inoalot, and Imslo (NII) is a law firm specializing in business law. They want to set up a hiring selection process. For each method listed below, decide whether you would or would not use it in the selection process and state why. Please ensure responses are at least 100 words each:

    1. A job knowledge test specifically designed for HR professionals that focuses on an applicant’s general knowledge of HR management.
    2. A medical examination and drug test at the beginning of the selection process in order to determine if applicants are able to cope with the high level of stress and frequent travel requirements of the job and are drug-free
    3. A paper-and-pencil integrity test
    4. A structured behavioral interview that would be specially designed for use in filling only this job
    5. A general cognitive ability test
    6. Personal characteristics inventory
    7. A set of interview questions that the firm typically uses for filling any position:

    a. Tell me about a problem you solved on a previous job.
    b. Do you have any physical impairments that would make it difficult for you to travel on business?
    c. have you ever been tested for AIDS?
    d. Are you currently unemployed, and if so, why?
    e. This position requires fresh ideas and energy. Do you think you have those qualities?
    f.what is your definition of success?
    g. what kind of sports do you like?
    h. how well do you work under pressure? give me some examples.




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