Spirituality in Workplace Term Paper

    I do not see the Outline Plan that must be part of your assignment and paper. It should be up front of your paper until you are nearly complete with your term paper; then it can be relocated to the Appendix of your paper. You must use the four articles to record on the Outline Plan brief line items that reflect the actual content of each of the articles, major section by major section. Enter the actual major section headings from each article on the Outline Plan along with two or more level-three line items that identify key points in the specific section of the journal article research study (1……., 2…….., 3…………, etc.). Just add a few words for each line so that you can use the Outline Plan to write the content in the paper itself according to the guidelines I have provided in the file template. Do not change anything that does not need to be changed, please.
    Please read and follow the guidelines carefully. Do not change the way I have designed the term paper to be planned and written. The Outline Plan and the Term Paper are the two key parts of the assignment. It will not be accepted if you do not have the Outline Plan as part of the file and hard copy that I receive along with a copy of each of your articles you selected, read, studied, reviewed, summarized, and compared in your term paper. I have given each of you an additional week to ensure the Outline Plan and Term Paper meet the assignment requirements.
    Please review your paper very carefully and use the guidelines. I do not see a draft of your Abstract on the cover page. Not sure why an initial draft of the Abstract, Key words, and the Cover Page information are not present in this draft of the paper since this is easy to do at this stage of your progress on the assignment.
    The title of your paper is the very big general topic of Spirituality in the Workplace. Why not make the title focus a bit more on your assignment with a full title such as Spirituality in the Workplace: A Review and Summary of Four Research Studies, or perhaps something like Workplace Spirituality: A Collegiate Research Review Term Paper Summarizing and Comparing Four Research Journal Articles. In other words, your title can and should also describe the purpose of your assignment. This would also help you design a simple Running Head such as Spirituality in Workplace Term Paper.
    It appears that you may still be looking at the Blackboard file as if you are creating your term paper in a separate file that you have opened up. I do see and appreciate that you are using the appropriate Bb file for your paper, of course. I have set up the file for you to follow it as a technology-driven template. You are also writing the paper in double-spaced, word-processing mode that makes the paper much longer than necessary. I recommend strongly that you use single-spaced sentences and paragraphs with the main section headings starting along the left margin of each page. There is no need to move these to the middle of the page. There are only the main sections that are on the Outline Plan and the Table of Contents (Introduction, etc.). The objective is to have a simple design for the term paper that all 60 or so students in my four classes can use to plan and write a paper using the same standardized guidelines and requirements.
    The Outline Plan provides the plan for your approach to reading, studying, analyzing, outlining, and summarizing the content for each of the major body sections of your term paper. You have made good progress to date. We are just trying to match your effort with the requirements based on the Outline Plan. The details of your plan for your paper should be on the Outline Plan and clearly a part of the file that creates your term paper. If you plan the paper well and follow a good plan, the term paper product should be reasonably good.
    Please complete as soon as possible the entire draft revisions for your Outline Plan and Term Paper. If time permits, I will be glad to review a more complete file as soon as possible in the next 24 hours and provide last-minute recommendations.

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