
    • Research any organization that you would like to work for someday. This could be an organization that you are looking to secure a job at in the short term, or an organization you are interested in working for in the long term.
    • As you conduct research, write a 1-2 page paper answering as many questions as you can to the following: 
    1. Name of company
    2. Location(s)/contact information
    3. Companys mission statement
    4. Companys history
    5. Any relevant news about the company
    6. Name of person in charge of hiring/head of the department
    7. Past/present/future company projects
    8. Desired job
    9. Description of duties
    10. Skills/abilities/personality characteristics of the ideal candidate for this job
    • Format your paper using 12-point font, Times New Roman. Include a header with your name, date, COMM 1100- section number, and the title Company Research Paper.

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