Source-based Academic Argument Essay (5-7 pages) based on music from one or more time periods in jazz history

    Source-based Academic Argument Essay (5-7 pages) based on music from one or more time periods in jazz history

    In Paper 2 you will develop your own academic argument to analyze (objectively) and interpret (subjectively) at least two exhibits, with the help of at least two argument sources. Remember to cite the sources – and include links, if relevant – for all four or more sources. For this essay, the exhibit sources may be examples of music from any time period or genre covered in these chapters. The arguments or positions should be from published sources, e.g. relevant passages from a book, scholarly articles, or journalists’ critiques. Assess each source to ensure that it is reputable, reliable, and authoritative. Give preference to recognized critics, historians, journalists, and musicians. Avoid anonymous, poorly written, and overly general sources. To execute this assignment successfully, you must (1) advance an argument, position, or claim of your own; (2) summarize an argument or position that contrasts or conflicts with yours; and (3) support your position or claim through analysis and interpretation of the particular exhibits. Length of Final Version: 5-7 pages.

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