Source Analysis

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    The four reference has to be related to Effects on team communication, such as culture, intergeneration, leadership, professional boundaries, staffing ratios, shift differences. Be specific in one of then
    First write introduction than
    Frist article summery
    2nd article summery
    3rd article summery
    4th article summery
    then write Synthesis and Conclusion
    reviewing selected references from the nursing literature . incorporate selected references found using online databases and library resources including the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The outline and specific content of each section of the paper follows. stay away from the ?medical literature? for this paper,
    The issue that will serve as a focus for this quarter?s Source Evaluation Paper is the nurse?s role in team building and team communication in a health care setting. Nurses work in teams every day and we need to document the processes and strategies that make this work safer and more effective.
    Section I. Introduction and Purpose =
    This first section should engage the reader?s interest in reading a paper about particular staff/agency teambuilding practice or concern. Discuss the personal and or professional significance of the particular practice and what you hope to achieve by reading the literature about it. You should provide a rationale for studying the topic in your particular clinical practice area. (no more than 2 pages) Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
    Section II. Critical Review of the Literature Pertinent to the Topic = An additional 5 pages
    You will select, summarize and critically analyze four references related to the teambuilding issue of interest. You will address questions about the structure of the argument, the writing, and the quality of the evidence provided. This analysis will be guided by the questions provided in Browne and Keeley.
    You MUST include references from the following sources:
    ? ONE article/text from an online/web site, newspaper or news magazine. In this case, you need to make sure that you not only evaluate the article/text that you use, but also the source of the information (eg. Website, publication)
    ? AT Least THREE and no more than FOUR scholarly articlesfound in the CINAHL or EBSCO database.
    Brown and Keeley discuss various types of evidentiary support in the text and it will be helpful for you to choose articles that use these different types of evidence. In order to have the best chance of including different types of evidence, you should strive to choose different types of articles; the only type of article you must have is a quantitative research study or a program evaluation using quantitative data, other types of articles you will find include:
    ? Opinion/editorial
    ? Evidence based practice recommendations/care guidelines
    ? Continuing education articles or educational case studies
    ? Research based argument/ literature review
    ? Qualitative research report

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