“Sophie’s Dairy”

    “Sophie’s Dairy”

    From two short novels, the “Sophie’s Dairy” and the prejudiced and yet hopeful society in “When I was in Xia village.” Discuss the conflicts and crisis between an individual or a group of individuals against social, cultural, and external forces. Compare and contrast how, in similar and different ways, the heroes or heroines exert their own conscious will to (or fail to) accomplish specific and understandable aims for their lives. Explore also the nature of these conflicts. Are they fundamentally resolvable or irresolvable? Are there any ambiguities, ironies, oppositional values, or “truth” and “non truth” of an issue involved in these conflicts? Does the ending of the story challenge or reaffirm certain prevailing cultural values or “virtues” that we are supposed to believe in? Are those “virtues” or “values” reflections of patriarchal society? To what extent do the gender, class, and race issues affect the ways in which those individuals are represented in different stories. Please create your own thread of thoughts and do not just answer the above questions.
    Make sure you have a thesis statement and sufficient evidences from the texts to support your thesis statement. Make sure you have a conclusion. When you compare and contrast different characters and various themes, make sure you do not just list their similarities and differences. Do not simply summarize stories. Make sure you have a big point to make, or your own idea why and how these similarities and differences are important.


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