Some hints for case study 1 Contract for 18 months Issu

    Some hints for case study 1
    Contract for 18 months
    Issue whether gavin and stacy will be comicides for residence of Australia for tax purposes 2011?
    2. whether gavin and stacy will be assessable in Australia for each type of their income.
    Will any of income have Australian source or not?
    Law : sec 6-5
    Ordinary income apply give source also
    2) sec 6(1)
    3) test for residence
    Common law test
    Domicile test
    183 day
    Super fund
    Case apply fct v applegate (1979) 9atr 899:79atc4307
    Put reference in bottom of every page
    In sec 6-5 ordinary income and in 6(1) after explain give the test
    Application : as per 6(1) there are four test name them
    Under this superfund and domicile will not come.
    183 day rule and common law rule will only apply.
    Use applegate case
    For dividends can use some words from 4 answer in solution booklet ex. Peter
    2) In common law rule application can use inland revenue commissioner case from solution booklet.
    Factors for physical presence can be mention here in appliacation taxation ruling 98/17.
    Domicile rule not come
    Rule wilkie v irc case come from page 18 study book in 183 day rule
    Part 2 sources of income
    Law here salary wages personal fee
    Case fct v French (1957) aitr 76
    Case Studebaker corporation of Australia ltd v c of t (nsw) 1921 29 clr 225.
    Case Nathan v fct (1918) 25 clr 183
    Case study hints
    For Billie case study
    Case brown v fc of t 2002
    Case beak v robson (1942 ) 25
    Case fc of t v woite 82 atc 4578
    First issue for $ 10000 whether 10000 lumpsum receive by billie from chevy will be assessable income?
    Whether their will be any tax consequences for the use of the car due to petrol allowance .

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