Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations

    Asians in the US (part 2)

    This is the writing assignment that you are expected to do for this learning unit. You will write a 500 words message addressing these questions:

    After viewing the movie (Japanese Americans: Internment during World War II)

    Reading the assigned materials and visiting the website ” Conscience and the Constitution”

    You need to address the following questions in a short essay (300 words).

    Do you think that the decision made by the US government (Executive Order 9066) to relocate Japanese Americans during WW II was justified? At that time more than 110,000 Japanese Americans living on the west cost were expelled from their homes and businesses and moved to temporary detention centers. Japanese Americans lose an estimated $6-10 billion in property and lost income. While the official version of the US government was that most Japanese Americans cooperated and moved to the relocation camps voluntarily, other versions seem to challenge that view. What did you learn about the resistance of some Japanese Americans against the relocation policies after your exploration of the materials available at the website ” Conscience and The Constitution”? In 1988 President Ronald Reagan signed a law that provided for a formal apology by the government and redress of $20,000 to each survivor of incarceration under Executive Order 9066. Do you think that what the government did was enough to compensate for what the Japanese Americans lost at that time (1942-45)? 

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