Sociology Essay

    Assumptions of the Approach

    Problems with the Sociological Perspective

    Sociological Imagination

    Structure, Agency and the concept of Social Determinism

    Social Location

    Social groups, self-perception and the perception of others


    Development of Sociology: Medieval Period and the Age of Reason

    Know the following theorists, their theories, and how they are in dialogue with one another. For example, what would Marx think of Durkheim’s theory of the division of labor?

    Emile Durkheim

    Social Bonds, Social Facts, Division of Labor

    Karl Marx

    Theory of Capitalism and Class Relations, Class vs. False Consciousness

    Max Weber

    Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

    Sociological Methods

    Types of variables

    Representative sample

    Overt and covert research methods

    Wheeling and Dealing by Patricia Adler

    Russel Ogden’s research on physician assisted suicide

    Stanford Prison Experiment

    Milgram Experiment

    Social interactions and social relationships

    Hierarchy, Status, Role, Norms

    Groups vs. Aggregates

    Primary vs. Secondary Groups

    Max Weber and Bureaucracy

    Social Segmentation

    Status Quo

    Structural Functionalism (Order Model)

    Durkheim: Mechanical and Organic solidarity

    Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous

    Conflict Theory

    The Synthesis of Structural Functionalism and Conflict Theory

    Instrumental vs. Institutional Forces (dialectic)

    Organization and hierarchies of power

    Revolutionary vs. Reform oriented social change

    4 Assumptions

    The Social Construction of Reality




    Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativity
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