
    Throughout this course, we have identified multiple sources of inequality. This assignment requires you to synthesize this material in a meaningful way. Imagine someone asked you what are the most important sources of inequality? How would answer this question?

    For this assignment, you will address this question: what are the two main sources of
    inequality? You may pick from the main themes developed in class: human capital, cultural capital, social capital, gender inequality, global inequality, networks and elites, etc. You may also pick additional sources which will you will research outside of class. You will be evaluated on the strength and clarity of your argument, ability to incorporate key concepts from the class and empirical (data/statistics) support for your claims.

    Assessment Objectives:
    The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to draw upon key perspectives, themes and examples from this subject and the required readings. Take-home tests allow students to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge of this subject.
    A set of tips for undertaking the Take-Home Test is available on LMS in the assessment section. The compulsory readings set for each week and authors discussed in the lectures are the primary material you will need to complete this test. You may use further references, such as the further or additional readings posted on LMS, but you will not receive any extra credit for this.
    You will be marked on the following criteria:
    • Effective reading and comprehension of the question.
    • Whether you have answered the specific question
    • Answers are to reflect this subject’s contents
    • Answers must demonstrate your understandings of the key concepts in the readings.
    • Are your answers well structured?
    • Have you included relevant examples to illustrate your argument/point?
    • Have you kept to the word limit?
    • A clear writing style clear
    • Referencing according to the School guidelines
    • Provision of a reference list.
    (Note – dot point answers are not acceptable)
    This is an individual assignment. Students should be fully aware of the regulations regarding plagiarism – details are in the subject guide on LMS and throughout the university student systems. There is no excuse for plagiarism. The penalties are severe – it is not worth the risk.
    Students must answer this question:
    Throughout this course, we have identified multiple sources of inequality. This assignment requires you to synthesize this material in a meaningful way. Imagine someone asked you what are the most important sources of inequality? How would answer this question?
    For this assignment, you will address this question: what are the two main sources of inequality? You may pick from the main themes developed in class: human capital, cultural capital, social capital, gender inequality, global inequality, networks and elites, etc.
    You may also pick additional sources which will you will research outside of class. You will be evaluated on the strength and clarity of your argument, ability to incorporate key concepts from the class and empirical (data/statistics) support for your claims. You will need to provide 5 sources (readings, articles, data) from outside the course readings but only 2 of these can be from non-academic sources.
    A word on referencing and word count:
    You are expected to provide a reference list at the end of the entire document. However, the reference list is NOT included in the word count.
    In-text references and direct quotations are included in the word count. For each work you cite, in-text referencing – for example (Willis 2004) – will only use up two to three words from your word allocation of 2000 (and remember you can go up to 10% over or under the word count before you are penalised marks). You should aim to use at least 5 references and probably no more than 10. Making quality links between the materials presented in this subject is more important than quantity. However, as this test does ask you demonstrate the breadth of your knowledge, you should avoid using the same references across your answer.

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