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    Please choose at least one of the questions below to post an original response to.
    1- Describe the theory of internal colonialism and how it applies to Native Americans, Chicanos, and African Americans in the United States.
    2- Describe the benefits of ethnic identity, and give examples. Explain why the text claims that the economic advantages are greatest for immigrants. Do you agree? Why or why not?
    3-Describe pluralism as it relates to race and ethnicity. Do you think American society has become more pluralistic in nature? What evidence are you relying on for your response?
    4-Many white people do not think of themselves as having ethnicity unless they descended from immigrants within the last generation. What do you think? Do some people lack ethnicity? Explain how this demonstrates that ethnicity is sociological more than cultural.
    5-As we just celebrated a cultural ritual, “Halloween”, some of you may have made some interesting ethnic and/or racial observations. What were they and how would you explain them within the context of Symbolic Interactionism?

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